The meaning of fitness is "to be healthy and to be in shape". Fitness is a type of sport that is derived from a combination of sports motions.


    Unlike other types of sports, the main objective in fitness is to elasticize and formulate all the muscles in the body. Fitness is a kind of sport that acts when dealing with it is different for each individual's body and age. People of all ages can deal with the fitness, but before the start of the fitness, the specialist must determine the age and health of the person according to the health condition.


    When doing fitness:

    Weight loss in a healthy way,

    Bone strengthening,

    To have healthy skin,

    A long and healthy life,

    Increased brain development and thinking ability,

    Normal and relaxed sleep.


    There are fitness classes in many hotels for the convenience and health of people, as well as a spacious hall for fitness classes at Issam Hotel in Sheki.